
The value display in the schema shows a different value than the data point in the table

This problem only manifested itself in the project if the value of the data point was 0 %. At that moment, the value of 2.1 % was shown in the schema. At other values, the display showed correctly. After the review of this issue, it was found that for an unknown reason, the lower limit of the data point value of 2.1 % was exported to the SCADA project. Therefore, this value was displayed instead of all smaller values.

This fact can be found in the file with the .data extension, which can be found in the folder of the exported project. After finding the data point definition in this file, the definitions of the lower and upper limits can be read, see:

In this case, it can be seen that the lower limit of “LReal” has a default value of 2.12199...

The solution to this problem is to edit the appropriate interface in RcWare Vision. In this case, it was enough to re-enter the value “0” (which was also here originally) into the interface with the lower limit and export the project.