
Running of ModComTool from the command line

ModComTool can be started from the command line using the following parameters:
„Program location“ password channel port baudrate parity stopbits databits readtime timeout address closeapp.

  • example of Serial port ("D: \ Working \ ModComTool.exe" domat123 Serial COM5 9600 None One 8 500 500 1 true)
  • example of TCPGate port ("D: \ Working \ ModComTool.exe" domat123 TCPGate 502 0 0 0 500 500 1 true)
  • example of TCP port ("D: \ Working \ ModComTool.exe" domat123 TCP 502 0 0 0 500 500 1 true)

The end window of the module will start, and if the param closeapp is true, the whole ModComTool will close after closing the window.