Other news
Published: 5/23/2022

28th AMPER 2022

...is successfully over!

This year, the Brno Exhibition Center hosted the traditional AMPER for the 28th time. Untraditionally in May. Our company was on the list of almost 600 exhibitors this year as well. Despite the unfortunate situation, due to which the fair had to be moved twice, we are pleased to say that this year was also very successful.

You have often asked us mainly about the availability of products in these difficult times. It was these questions that confirmed that having our own development team at the level of HW and SW allows us to respond flexibly to the shortage of some components and thus maintain continuity of supply.

We thank the organizers for the smooth running of the event and especially to all of you who came to visit us. We hope that you have gained new information and inspiration, brought interesting knowledge and contacts and enjoyed the great atmosphere that accompanied us all week.

The next year will take place again in March from 21 to 23, 2023. Again in Brno, again with us and we believe that again with you! :)

We look forward,

Domat Control System team