Time programs from Domat MiniPLC transmitted via OPC can take two forms, depending on the "Export short TPG" setting in the OPC server. They both return it as a byteArray A classic is a copy of what is in RcWare Vision (our visualization), see the class definitions below. The short one is described in the following text:
Created as solution for Citec – SoftPLC communication. Telegram structure is as follows:
There has to be checked Export TPG in a short form as well (usable in Citect for example) option in SoftPLC OPC server configuration when short TPG is needed.
And here RcWare Vision structur returns (RCTPGWeek returns):
class RCTPGDayTransition
public long hour;
public long minute;
public long second;
public uint function;
class RCTPGDay
public ArrayList tarnsitions = new ArrayList();
class RCTPGWeek
public RCTPGDay[] days;
public RCTPGWeek()
days = new RCTPGDay[7];
for (int a = 0; a < 7; a++)
days[a] = new RCTPGDay();
Exception programs are not transmitted.